Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Birds, Knives, and Cocoa Puffs

Sorry about the lag in posting reader. I will try to do better in the future.

Toby and I (well, mostly Toby working and me directing...hey, I had homework) finally put some stuff up around the house to make it feel more homey. One of the things we put up was a shelf in our bedroom and I love it. It really transforms our bedroom from a "college student" room to "married couple" room. I took a few pictures to let you in all the shelffy glory:


It was pretty exciting to finally put up some home accents. We also put up some more pictures, a coat rack, AND curtains. All thanks to Toby really.

I am really into birds right now. I got a duvet cover for our wedding with birds on it:

and a friend of ours got us those cool bird bookends. They are pretty awesome as well.

To the knives. My brother keeps bugging me about getting my cats on this website. But if they are laying down sleeping and I come up to them they try and get in my lap. It's actually rather adorable, but not so good for trying to put stuff on them. However, for Christmas I got my dad the Winchester® Bowie Knife he asked for. It came on the day we were leaving to visit and as I was unpacking it I got a bit of a candid shot of Annyong

She did have her arm around it which was better, but by the time I found my camera the photo-op was practically over.

I think it was probably better left in her paws then in this mans:

or this ones:


Anonymous said...

One thing to be very careful of is NEVER, NEVER stand sideways while holding a Winchester Bowie Knife,even if your just joking.Because the next thing you know you'll be in the emergency room ,and you know what happens in the emergency room..... You wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and..........................

Gail said...

That sounds original.